Registration Instructions
Welcome to the Lakeshore Swim Club Electronic Registration Platform.
LSC operates both competitive programs and pre-competitive programs. Participants in the competitive program are considered members of Lakeshore Swim Club; pre-competitive program participants are not. Participation in all competitive programs and some pre-competitive programs require an assessment and invitation by the coach. Complete program descriptions are available on our website here (scroll down to see all programs - comp, pre-comp).
Returning Competitive and Pre-Competitive Program Swimmers
If you're already a member of LSC's competitive program or LSC's pre-competitive program (known prior to 2022-23 as the Fundamentals Program), you already have an account in this system. Log in, make sure your profile is up-to-date, navigate to your program page (competitive or pre-competitive), review the description, schedule, and terms and conditions, and click Register.
Looking to Join Lakeshore Swim Club?
If you're interested in joining Lakeshore Swim Club's competitive program, you must attend one of our tryouts, or be invited to join by our Head Coach. Tryout information can be found on our website here. To contact our Head Coach, please complete our contact form here.
Competitive Program Schedule Variations
Swim meets often affect workout schedules, particularly on weekends. Be sure to check your swimmer's online practice calendar regularly to catch every change. In particular, note that on Saturdays, all LSC competitive programs train at Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre in Scarborough every once in a while.
Pre-Competitive Program Schedule Variations
LSC makes every effort to maintain consistency in workout schedules for our pre-competitive programs. Changes are very rare and are proactively communicated to participants. Workouts are not scheduled on statutory holidays, and as a result program fees are prorated to reflect the variation in the number of workouts. (This usually affects Mondays and Fridays).
Payment Options
Registration fees must be paid by credit card. Ongoing payments can be paid using a credit or your club account. You may e-transfer funds in advance of the payment due date to treasurer@lakeshoreswimclub.com
. Within a reasonable amount of time, a credit will be applied to your account and it will be available for you to use for ongoing payments.
To remove a saved credit card, please submit a request through the contact form of our website and it will be removed for you.
If you have any questions about registration, pelase do not hesitate to contact the club.