Group Descriptions - Competitive Program

Lakeshore Performance

Coach: Tristan Vowles
Max sessions per week: 9
Age range guideline: Coach’s discretion

The top group of Lakeshore Swim Club. Athletes are driven to achieve personal success. They have “100% mentality,” committing fully to the sport of swimming and scheduling appointments or other activities outside of training time. They embody the club values and culture, and they carry themselves as ambassadors of the club. They take on a leadership role and inspire the next wave of LSC athletes. Training becomes more focused on each athlete’s individual goals. Swimmers in this group are striving for Provincial standards and above.


Coach: Jorge Ardila Arbaca
Max sessions per week: 8
Age range guideline: 14&O
Possible pathways: Lakeshore Performance

This group is for senior age-group athletes on the secondary performance track. Athletes are committed to their personal success and are strongly encouraged to commit themselves fully to their sport. They embody the club values and culture to set an example for younger swimmers in the club. Training becomes more focused on each athlete’s individual goals. Swimmers in this group are competing at the Central Region level, and striving for Provincial standards.

Junior Provincial

Coach: Riley Loewen
Max sessions per week: 8
Age range guideline: 11-14
Possible pathways: Lakeshore Performance, Senior

This group is for junior aged athletes on the primary performance track. Athletes are enthusiastic about swimming and have high aspirations. They have “100% mentality,” committing fully to the sport of swimming. They love to race and enjoy the process of training. They are continuing to develop all events, and the training continues to have an all-around aerobic FR and IM focus. Swimmers in this group are striving for Festival and Provincial standards.


Coach: Jorge Ardila Arbaca
Max sessions per week: 6
Age range guideline: 13&O
Possible pathways: Senior

This group is for older age-group athletes who are not yet competing at a Central Region level. It provides an opportunity in the competitive program for those swimmers who are interested in continuing to swim and compete, who perhaps are late starters or later developers in the sport. Athletes are connected with the rest of the club, have personal goals, and contribute positively to the club culture. Training is focused on continued improvement of general fitness and skills. Swimmers in this group are striving for Central Regions.


Coach: Maclaine Moore
Max sessions per week: 6
Age range guideline: 10-13
Possible pathways: Junior Provincial, Senior, Regional

This group is for junior aged athletes aspiring to the primary performance track. Athletes at this level are progressing well as age-group swimmers and are excited about improving their training and racing abilities. They are beginning to commit themselves fully to the sport of swimming. They are developing all the events, and training has an all-around aerobic FR and IM focus. Swimmers in this group are striving for Central Region and Festival standards.


Coach: Maya Kozieja
Max sessions per week: 5
Age range guideline: 12&U
Possible pathways: Advanced, Regional

This group is for young athletes who are learning to train and enjoying the experience of racing. They are excited about their swimming and are eager to improve. Training involves building aerobic fitness and speed, and improving skills on all four strokes. Swimmers in this group are striving for Central Region and Festival standards.


Coach: Liam Eagles-Turner
Max sessions per week: 4
Age range guideline: 11&U
Possible pathways: Blue

This group is the entry point into the LSC competitive program. Athletes begin to compete at meets and develop enthusiasm for racing. They are eager to learn and like to go fast! Training involves building aerobic fitness and speed, with a heavy skill focus on all four strokes and an element of fun! Swimmers in this group are striving for Central Region standards.

As of 7/27/2024 3:47:21 AM Eastern Standard Time