Code of Conduct
Applicable to:
Little Lakers 1A
Week 1 - July 2-5
Lakeshore Performance
Little Lakers 1B
Week 2 - July 9-12 - Cancelled
Week 3 - July 16-19
Junior Provincial
Little Lakers 1C
Week 4 - July 23-26
Little Lakers 1D
Week 5 - July 30-Aug 2
Little Lakers 2A
Little Lakers 2B
Little Lakers 2C
Little Lakers 3A
Little Lakers 3B
Varsity Group
Lakeshore Swim Club, it's Board of Directors, parents, parents acting as officials and of course our athletes are all bound Swim Ontario's Comprehensive Code of Conduct.
Swim Ontario Comprehensive Code of Conduct and Ethics
The aim of this Code is to establish a common understanding of the standards of behaviour expected of all the people participating and working within the sport. This Code does not attempt to provide a detailed and exhaustive list of what to do in every aspect of the sport. Instead, it represents a broad framework that will help you decide on an appropriate course of action when you are faced with an ethical issue.
v. 2015-08