2025 CR Div 1 Champs - Officials
This is the Official’s Grid for the CR Div 1 Champs - Feb 7-9, 2025.
There may still be a few updates up to three days prior to the start of Session 1.
All officials' questions should be directed to coc@lakeshoreswimclub.com.
Please check on February 6 for your Safety Marshall duty.
Important Notes:
- If you require a Deck Evaluation, please email coc@lakeshoreswimclub.
com - Bring a reusable water bottle and indoor deck shoes (to protect our swimmers from bacteria).
- Timers, the Chief Timer, Awards, and Runners wear black bottoms and white tops
- All other on-deck positions wear black bottoms and red tops
Arrival Timing:
- Senior Officials for Session 1-2: (Referee, Starter, Chief Recorder, Chief Timer, Admin Desk) arrive 45 minutes prior to the start of warm up, check in with meet management, and conduct your equipment checks. Stroke Judges may arrive in time for the Senior Officials briefing, which is at the start of warm up in the Committee Room (across from cafeteria).
- Senior Officials for Sessions 3-8: (Referee, Starter, Chief Recorder, Chief Timer, Admin Desk) arrive 20 minutes prior to the start of warm up, check in with meet management, and conduct your equipment checks. Stroke Judges may arrive in time for the Senior Officials briefing, which is at the start of warm up in the Committee Room (across from cafeteria).
- Safety Marshalls should arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of warm up:
- Check in at the Meet Management Desk
- Have a quick meeting with the referee, who will likely be on deck.
- Collect your safety vests at the Admin Desk
- Organize yourselves so that there is one at both the shallow and deep end starting blocks and two on the middle bulkhead facilitating lane and warm-up regulations
- Lifeguards can not allow swimmers to start warm-up until all 4 Safety Marshals are on deck.
- All Other officials, please arrive for the start of warm-up. Check in at the Meet Management Desk. Officials briefing will start 45 minutes prior to the session start.
- Awards, Announcer, Runners will meet at the Admin Desk at the start of warm up. Check in at the Meet Management Desk prior to that.
- If working Food Hospitality, check the job start and end times carefully on the Grid. Please also check in with the Meet Management Desk when you arrive.
Sign In Location:
Sign-in for your shift in the Committee Room (across from cafeteria).